Population and Society in Contemporary Tibet福利品出清網友評鑑4顆星買過的朋友都說物超所值 博客來人文史地-世界史地分類站長推薦在網路上爬文好久 終於找到[Population and Society in Contemporary Tibet]的詳細介紹 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
This extensive survey documents Tibetan society over five decades, including population structure in rural and urban areas, marriage and migration patterns, the maintenance of language and traditional culture, economic transitions relating to income and consumption habits, educational development, and the growth of civil society and social organizations. In addition to household surveys completed over twenty years, the book provides a systematic analysis of all available social and census data released by the Chinese government, and a thorough review of Western and Chinese literature on the topic. It is the first book on Tibetan society published in English by a mainland China scholar, and covers several sensitive issues in Tibetan studies, including population changes, Han migration into Tibetan areas, intermarriage patterns, and ethnic relations.
Rong Ma
Rong Ma is a widely respected demographer and professor of sociology at Peking University. He spent five years in Inner Mongolia during the Cultural Revolution, and was one of the first Chinese students to study in the US after Deng Xiaoping’s reforms, receiving his doctorate degree from Brown University.